6 Ways to Stay Cool in the Summer Heat

The Northeast USA is enduring a heat wave with sweltering temperatures climbing above 100°. Here are 6 ways to stay cool in the summer heat.

1.     Block the sun. According to the Department of Energy, closing blinds and curtains can reduce the amount of heat that passes into your home by 45%.
2.     Give a squirt. Keep a spray bottle filled with water in the refrigerator. Whenever you feel overheated, give your exposed skin a thorough spritz. The chilled water is extremely cooling.
3.     Sip often and eat light. Staying hydrated in the heat is important because you lose body fluid as you perspire, so drink lots of water. And choose salads, which are easier to digest, over heavier meals, like steak, which leaves you feeling sluggish. Fruits and veggies contain more water and help keep you hydrated.
4.     Ice some rice. Fill a cotton sock with rice, tie the top of the sock in a secure knot, and place sock in the freezer. At bedtime, slip the sock of “iced rice” between your sheets and enjoy hours of cool comfort.
5.     Frigid feet. Your feet are very temperature sensitive. To cool your entire body, soak your feet in a bucket of ice water.
6.     Think cool. Relax and enjoy a book that takes place during cold weather. Beat the heat and save money at the same time by celebrating Christmas in July. I’ve marked down AN ALMOST PERFECT CHRISTMAS (regularly $3.99) and GROWN-UP CHRISTMAS LIST (regularly $2.99) to 99¢ each. These stories are sure to touch your heart and make you feel cool as a cucumber! 

How do YOU beat the sizzling summer heat? Please leave a comment below. 

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