Curried Deviled Eggs
6 Boiled Eggs, peeled
1/3 Cup Mayonnaise
2 Teaspoons Yellow Mustard
1 Teaspoon Curry Powder
1/4 Teaspoon Salt
2 Tablespoons Celery, minced
2 Tablespoons Zucchini, minced
Sweet Paprika for garnish
Cut the eggs in
half, placing the yolks into a bowl and the whites on a serving plate.
Combine the egg
yolks with the mayonnaise, mustard, curry powder, and salt. Stir until
completely combined. Add the celery and zucchini to the filling mixture and
stir to incorporate.
Fill the egg
cavities with the filling, mounding it up for a nice, generous portion. Garnish
each egg with a bit of paprika. Cover and chill thoroughly before serving.
Store leftovers, covered, in the refrigerator. Curried Deviled Eggs can be made ahead and will keep
for up to three days.